Our Affiliates
At High Plains Veterinary Hospital, we partner with organizations that can assist you with your pet care needs. Our affiliate partners include:
- Mile High Veterinary Surgery Specialists
- Rescue Organizations
- Pet Service Providers
- Organizations who can help you with international health certificates and relocation
- A charitable organization whose profits support pet care and rescue organizations
Rescue Organizations
At High Plains we work in conjunction with many local and national organizations. We provide free post adoption examinations and honor sterilization certificates and vaccine certificates when applicable from the following Shelters:
Mill Dog Rescue Network
The Mill Dog Rescue Network, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, exists for two sole purposes, to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home retired mill dogs and to educate the general public about the realities of the commercial dog breeding industry.
Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
The mission of the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region is to prevent animal cruelty and neglect, and promote a responsible community where animals are inherently valued and owners are committed to their pets.
9 Lives Rescue
9 Lives Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which depends solely upon unpaid volunteers to operate. As we don’t have a shelter, we keep our cats and dogs in foster homes until they are adopted. Thus, the number of cats and dogs we can rescue depends directly on the number of foster homes we have – the more people willing to foster, the more animals we can rescue. We are also a “no-kill” organization and will euthanize an animal only if its health is so poor that trying to keep it alive would be cruel to the animal. It is our objective to make every effort to place all animals that come into our care into appropriate loving homes.
All Breeds Rescue and Training
All Breed Rescue & Training is primarily a volunteer-run organization. We have several areas that we can use help with and can utilize any talent you might have. Our positions range from a small time commitment to larger responsibilities and everything in between. If you are looking to volunteer with ABRT, please contact us!
Some volunteer positions currently available. Please email if you are interested.
Feline Friends
Feline Friends is an all-volunteer (no paid staff) nonprofit 501(c)(3) association founded in September 2003. Our mission is to reduce the number of homeless, abandoned and unwanted cats and kittens through foster, adoption and spay/neuter programs, and thereby end the needless suffering due to feline overpopulation. For more information, email Feline Friends.
Feline Friends
P O Box 5696
Woodland Park, CO 80866
Phone: 719-686-0704
Grey Ghost Weimaraner Rescue was established in November 2016 in Monument, Colorado to help weimaraners and their owners. Our mission as a 501(c)(3) volunteer powered organization is to be dedicated to the health and well being of all weimaraners through education, innovation and rehoming. We believe there is no place like home, and every weimaraner deserves a home where they are cherished members of the family. Our weimaraners are cared for in residential foster homes, and when necessary, partnering licensed boarding facilities.
Website: Grey Ghost Weimaraner Rescue
Monument, CO
Hotline: 719-357-9047
Email: WOOF@greyghostrescue.org
MidAmerica Boston Rescue
MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue Inc. (MABTR) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation serving the states of: Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, North/South Dakota, Wyoming, Minnesota, Utah, and Arkansas.
Pet Service Providers
Bow WOWZ Dog Agility
Our training is play-based training–meaning, we make it all FUN for the dog to learn! We make it a safe and comfortable environment for dog and handler alike to learn.
The more the fun the dog is having, the more the dog will want to work and the faster the dog will be. We use lots of toys and treats in our classes.
We challenge the handler and the dog to become their very best but never lose site of the reason we all started this journey–to have fun with our dogs and increase the bond we have with furry friends!
Colorado Springs Dog Training Center www.cosdtc.com
Canine Training and Behavior focuses on positive reinforcement methods. In-home behavior consultations are available to help you with:
- Loose leash walking
- Countersurfing
- Recalls
- Impulse controls (doorbells)
- Jumping
- Barking and much more!
For an appointment call 719-499-8294 or email
Play Time Pet Sitting
We are a full-time, full service, professional pet sitting & dog walking service.
Happily Serving Colorado Springs & Manitou Springs.
Mid-Day Breaks, Vacations, Overnight Stays
We Love Special Needs Pets – Experienced In Dispensing Medications
Bonded, Insured, Reliable, & FUN!
AKC New Puppy Checkup Certificates
We provide a free initial examination with an AKC certificate for purebred dogs.
Traveling and Relocation with Pets
International Health Certificate Information (USDA – APHIS)
This website will provide you every country’s import rules and regulations. Each country is different so it is important to know what your pet may need in advance. Depending on where your pet will be going, you may need anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months to have appropriate vaccinations, microchip and tests done before your flight date.
Pet Transporation
Here are two companies who make it easy by arranging all your pet transportation needs:
An Organization Helping Pets
St. Paws protects animals by helping organizations who are engaged in protecting, sheltering and caring for abandoned, neglected and abused animals.
They accomplish this by serving as a portal for your tax deductible donations. Whether with cash or through gently used items such as clothing, furniture, small working appliances, jewelry, books, accessories, cars, etc., which in turn are sold from their stores and the proceeds are then passed on to these organizations.